There is usually a wafer of a firewall between my politics and art. Hard to maintain that these days. U.S. Attorney General Barr declared Seattle to be an "anarchist jurisdiction," for the purpose of extorting something with the threat of withholding federal money, or something. It was silly, but not funny. So, too, the poem.
Abcdarian Jurisdiction
Becomes us in Seattle,
Coming as it
Does with Nordic sense of order.
Effortless in
Fact. Who would have
Guessed? We make everything so
Hard as a matter of course.
I think we should thank Mr. Barr
Just this once. I
Know it seems so strange but
Little isn’t anymore. I
Mean he saw it on TV and
No one can doubt he had advice
On what an anarchist
Place would look like on the tube.
Quite frightening, I guess. I was
Remiss in not
Seeing the report on Fox
TV. It seems OK here though,
Unless I’m missing something
Vital, as I sometimes do.
We’ve all learned something new,
eXactly what I can’t yet say, but
You should know I love this chill
Zen Emerald City—anarchy & all.