Tuesday, November 1, 2022

An Aleph

My father made his own way to infinity

Or likely nothingness

As we would both have guessed—

But there alone as I have often since

Imagined him reclining in that sterile room

The pastel walls and neatly stowed

Steel instruments of intervention

In the maladies of those unblessed by his


I want to hope that as his

End was sealed he might have found

Beside a humming white florescent bulb—

Behind a ceiling tile—an orb—a gift from

Borges—shining with completeness

Sounding whole and universal while

Particular down to every atom of him

And his world through all of time and

Up to now—

When he might wish I find my own.

Saturday, October 1, 2022



A shooting star may be but dust

Until it slows against the atmosphere

And flares itself away, and even then

In final glory only for a second,

And even then, alone, unless by

Happenstance a face is turned

Its way at just that fateful moment.


Your dust is real to me now

As mine I hope will be to those who


By some confluence of miracles

Will for no good reason find me

In a skyward glance and

Raise an eyebrow as they smile.


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Soothing the Boy


Tuck by me wombingly

Little one feverish lost in your

Sleep.  Let the hump of my heart

And the whoosh of my

Blood and the weight of my arm

Hold you nothingly easily warm.


Slumber insightlessly weightlessly

Burrow my ribhaven inhale me

Whispylock fleshbundle know

My soft armor surrounding you

Grounding you closely completely

The meat of me there.


Sail with me tightly through this

Our just conscious conjoining in time


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Monday, August 1, 2022

Summer Landscape



Though I left her cold

The mountain never left me

Cloaked in ice

Vanilla surging toward the

Colder air and melting sun


The alien cone of Fuji-san

Alone above the deep green

Origami of her skirts

Drew me and my children

As it will draw theirs


The beaches blossom here

As breakers hiss and sink

Into the sand


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Friday, July 1, 2022

To Have and Hold


 It sounds a bit possessive

Though at this point being had and held

Seems right.  It was as I remember it

A promise of reciprocal possession

And the holding sounded sweet. It is.


I hear you breathe above the constant

Crickets there between my failing ears

As morning light begins to slip around

The bedroom window blinds.


I’ll breathe with you a little longer

Here then quietly I’ll rise to just

Another day to have and hold.


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Winnowing


At last

We are the bits of all there is

That we retain


The gathered spoonsful of

The universe that make their way

To where and when we are


A drooping frog-green leaf

Of my magnolia tastes the pane

Outside my dining room the

Gentle breeze a gift


And I move on within the

Warm sweet maelstrom


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Just Now


I turned just now and saw you touch my knee

With all four fingertips as I drove through

The light Seattle mist the wipers set to slow

And as I did a young girl missed a bus

Because the bakery was busy and

Another doodle dog of some sort

Found a friend and lit a spark along

Two leashes and the car ahead

Had signaled left but after hesitating

Took a right and somewhere someone

Saw that they had set the world akimbo as

I marvel at the sweet infinity of choice and

Accident that brought my knee to where

Your fingertips could find it then just now.


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Friday, April 1, 2022

Lots of Time



I know there’s lots of time left but before

I pass to just the eddies where your

Memories reside and nothing more is

Added to the swirl I want you boys

Each one of you to brighten up a few

Of them

Those sounds and pictures in your heads

To be the way they might have been


As though I threw a better spiral

Had the words and sang in key

Held you longer in your hurt

Or knew just what to say that time.


So each of you to please do your part

To keep me ever better in your heart.


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Tuesday, March 1, 2022




A glistening wet crow alighted roughly


Upon a run of fence beside my garden

Strutting along its vantage

              Cars hiss by beyond the sidewalk

              To its left

The crow will step and stop turn its head

Decide not to fly away just yet

According to its unchosen agenda

As lived out by

Its own thousand choices

              I’ve stood at the center of the

              Philippine Sea and sat on this

              Doorstep by the same rules

The soft mist wets the crow and

Wets my boots as they

Protrude beyond the coverage of the

Short porch

              We share the dampness

              Our hearts full


© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Tuesday, February 1, 2022




Wrap your tiny hands around my little finger

Feel my ancient pulse beside you as we linger

You and I

Along the by and by


I’d like to know what’s really on your mind

How your little boy thinking is inclined

If I was there behind your eyes

What a sweet surprise

I’d like to know what’s really on your mind


Turn your eyes my way I wonder what you’d say

You know I love you in my old man way

You and I

Along the by and by




©2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Tommy G

Professor Wilson (rest his soul)

May have had a thought or two

Illuminating how you came to smile

With such radiance just hours into life

Unconscious of my joy I think

Just barely dry your face exposed

Below blond cactus down emerging

From the skullcap

Yes your face

Pink raw to the air

Your face

Held closely there before me

Parting lips eyes locking in and

Suddenly you were joyful

It was all for me and

We were one

© 2022 Guy Holliday all rights reserved